When these aquatic ecosystems become unbalanced, they pose health risks to not only humans, but also to plants and animals that rely on the water to live. Unhealthy or “dead” aquatic ecosystems contain little to no life.
Most aquatic ecosystems are compromised as the result of human intervention. Rainwater runoff from lawn fertilizers, pesticides, sewer systems, agriculture, industrial waste, and carbon emissions upset the delicate balance of these ecosystems.
Caused by unwanted nuisance plants that increase nutrients (mainly phosphorus and nitrogen) in the water. Excessive nutrients increase the production of algae blooms which then deplete oxygen in the water column needed by subaquatic vegetation, fish, and animals to survive.
Caused by increased algae in the water which causes high turbidity or suspension of particles in the water making it cloudy or murky.
Caused by an accumulation of organic debris that settles to the bottom. Most commonly, this sludge is a mixture of leaves, fish waste, decaying plant debris, dead algae, or debris washed into the water by rain runoff from agriculture, lawn fertilizer, industrial waste, septic tanks, etc.
Caused by the muck which contains methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and ammonia gases that make the water smell like rotten eggs.
Caused by a depletion of oxygen in the water. Toxic algae, and runoff all rob water of its oxygen eventually suffocating fish and animals.